Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Homeless Mural

Mrs BB and I collected my dad around midday to go to the solicitors in Penarth (nr Cardiff, South Wales UK) with my brother and solicitor so we could sign Power Of Attorney to deal with his matters if he's incapable. Apparently, the government can do this on your behalf if you're incapable and we all know what that means!

Afterwards Mrs BB and I walked around Cardiff City Centre, and went our separate ways for an hour. The photo's I like best are the mural on the side of the side of a building in Barrack Lane about Homelessness, and the inside of Cardiff's Indoor Market (extra).

We collected granddaughter Amelia about 5pm who was in after school club.  We've got her overnight as her mum is on a two day conference with work!

W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challenge themes...

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