talloplanic views

By Arell

A flower for lunch hour

The day seemed to go quite quickly, but maybe because it was another of solving other people's problems.

Nice walk at lunchtime in the sunshine for a bit of vitamin D, and it was so lovely and warm I only needed a t-shirt. I managed to get my prescription at last, so hopefully I can go back to being reasonably headache-free for a while, but today's needed some assistance. While I was out I enjoyed watching various insects on the local flowerbeds.

I wasn't quite headache free by the time I finished so went out for fresh air and to see the 'omg tRaFfIc ChAoS' caused by the latest round of roadworks on the way to Straiton. Well, that's what happens when you have a major route that is single carriageway and don't do any maintenance to the tarmac for ten years, and then you need to stick in a temporary signalised contraflow to fix it all during rush hour because you can't get enough people to do it overnight.

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