Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


This morning I had my appointment at the local Cobham hospital with the dermatologist regarding the mole on my face. As it has grown quite quickly, and given my background of living in South Africa (which immediately is a red alert) I was given an urgent referral from my GP. Thankfully the dermatologist seems convinced that it is benign, and offered me the choice of removing it or leaving it. I have elected to have it removed, as they will then also be able to test it accurately. This will be in a few weeks' time, hopefully before we go away at the end of November. 

Back home I took Xena for another walk before lunch, when I took this photo. A good exercise for one's photography is to use a prime lens for a while where you are limited in your composition due to the lack of zoom - this was taken with a 300mm prime and I could go back far enough to just fit Xena in without falling into a ditch behind me!

For the past two nights I have slept very badly, so I and hoping I will get a better night's sleep tonight. It helps if I can watch some entertaining TV that doesn't stress the brain, so tonight it is Emily in Paris! 

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