Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

My B&W girl

Little L was awesome today. Much braver in parent & toddler swimming, did some kicking and scooping with hands while using the woggle, still needing one hand on mum though. They had the trampoline out outside the pool again so a quick bounce on that before going to Costa for refreshments. The guy who gave us a lift had promised his son (kainan from yesterdays blip) a treat for good swimming so how could I refuse. It was nice in there and L enjoyed hanging out, sipping her babicino and eating gingerbread. I can't tell J though as working for a privately owned coffee shop, he sees Costa as the enemy ;-)

It my little bros birthday today. I feel bad I didn't get his address in time to send him a card. He's not long been in Canada and I bet at times like this, they feel a million miles away. I sure they had a lot of fun stuff planned out there for today. We tried to make up for the lack of postal card with some facebook/photo messages.

Really hot for E's football after school, she did well to keep going and his was still blisteringly hot on the walk home at 5pm.

Salad for dinner. J is out for a curry with Rob so I've put Despicable Me on and am chilling on my bed.

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