Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Burnham Overy Staithe

The alarm was set for 5.30am but I woke up at 4.45am with a very sore back...every now and then my back plays up, which I have worked out is due to my glutes - so exercising my glutes helps to ease the pain in my back.

We were on the road by 6.30am to Norfolk, stopping outside Cambridge to get coffees and eat our breakfast of overnight oats with nuts, dried fruit and fresh blueberries (my favourite). 

Once we arrived and unpacked the car, Gavin immediately set about working for the day while I went off to Burnham Overy Staithe and had a lovely walk with Xena to Holkham beach. It was about a 3 mile round trip. It was overcast and windy but not cold. At the beach it was sunny, but the views back over Burnham Overy Staithe were very misty and grey.

When Gavin finished working for the day, he started on the shelving for the landing cupboard and installing a new towel rail. When he finished we went back to Burnham Overy Staithe for another walk, as I wanted to photograph the sunset from there. The sunset was lovely but as the sky was rather misty it was like a glowing ball and did not spread into the sky. 

Now a lovely evening of relaxing at home - seafood pasta for supper and some relaxing TV show is on the cards.

Tomorrow morning it is another very early start to be at Snettisham RSPB by 6.30am to see and photograph the whirling waders - but more about that tomorrow. And a blip meet is planned which I am looking forward to!

I should add that this weekend we were meant to be in Florence. Gavin won the weekend away at a charity function, but both of us did not feel like going away so we gave the weekend to Adam and Anna and I am sure they will enjoy it very much. Poor Adam gets hardly any leave when he moves to the USA at the end of the year (he gets 15 public holidays a year and that is all, no other leave), so he needs to have as many holidays as he can before he goes.

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