Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Knotted knots

One of the great wildlife spectacles in England is the whirling waders at RSPB Snettisham. At certain times of the year when the tide is high, and when the wading birds are sitting out on the mud flats, the tide comes in sufficiently high enough to cause the birds to lift off the ground en masse and form murmurations in the sky before they settle once again in the lakes in the reserve beyond the sea. The RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) publish dates when one can see this spectacle happening, and there are usually only about 20 dates in a year, and about 4 on a weekend - so its a very well attended event, particularly on a weekend. It is quite a sight to see tens of thousands of birds lift into the sky as the tide rises in The Wash, pushing them off the mudflats.

Today was such an event, and the RSPB recommend a suitable time to be at their car park to see this event - that time today was 6.30am. So it was yet another very early start as we got up early to be at the car park 10 minutes earlier than suggested, thinking we were leaving ourselves sufficient time. In fact the car park was already full by 5.20am and we had to park out on the side of the road. Then it is a 3km walk to where you stand to watch the birds, not an easy walk carrying my camera bag with two camera bodies, and long lenses - Gavin was carrying my tripod and heavy gimbal plus chairs etc. and had Xena on the lead.

It started off promising with a rosy sky, then it got misty and grey. I took many photos - it's a bit like photographing bluebells, do you zoom in close, do you photograph the entire murmuration in the sky...I took many shots and in the end chose this one of the tight knot of birds as they lift off - the type of birds are mainly knots and oystercatchers, with some geese and other wading birds. As they fly over the sound of the beating wings of thousands of birds is quite incredible.

It was a good morning, the only slight annoyance was the over officious RSPB warden who was yelling at people who dared to put a tripod leg over the wire fence - one poor chap had come all the way from The Netherlands and had this jobsworth yelling at him, he was not causing any harm and yet made to feel very unwelcome.

After that it was the long walk back to the car and back home for breakfast before going to Brancaster beach to meet Stephie and Alistair and beautiful Ivy. Due to the very high tide the beach road was closed, the road was a river - we laughed when we saw someone canoeing down the road in the high water. We walked from the Main Street to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine. Stephie as as lovely as I expected, it was good to finally meet her and Alistair (and Ivy of course). (See extra)

After our walk on the beach we went to Thornham Deli for coffees - we got very bad service, we waited ages for service and then they got our coffee orders all muddled and left one off - we won't be rushing back there again.

Aftet our early start we had a lazy afternoon, but we did go out for another walk later on. An early night beckons....

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