The Limit

Typical the big hills were clear and good weather, this happened when we arrived and when we left.

Up early to drop eco gran off at the Craignure for her journey home as we headed to Tobermory for our ferry.

After a very quiet week, it seemed strange being in such a busy place as Tobermory, well not quite a city.

A quick top up off food and onto the ferry to Kilchoan. This was a new ferry trip for us, it was a beautiful crossing with bright skies. We spotted some porpoises and enjoyed watching the gannets dive.

Onto the mainland again we slowly made our way to our next cottage. Fantastic views as we weaved our way on the single track roads. Then we entered the ancient oak woodlands of Sunart, very impressive and sheep free. We stopped off and let Juno run around in the woodland and get absolutely filthy and wet.

Settled in to the new cottage and made our plans for the week ahead and checked the weather.


View west to Skye from above Kilchoan.

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