Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach

A GREAT DAY... be blessed and to bless others!  We had a wonderful service at Church this morning when Maureen Hider spoke on the verse found in John 3:16, one that many people will know “off by heart” - see my first extra - something I made earlier!

After the service we went out to find some dereliction, which we had seen a few weeks ago - and on the way popped into HobbyCraft, where we met a lovely assistant whilst looking for some more wooden hearts - as my pile is going down rapidly.  Despite our searching, we couldn’t find any, but I gave her my last two to bless her and wished her well in a new venture starting in October.  So good to be able to bless people in this way.  

We then walked over to find Home Farm, an old farmhouse originally on the edge of South Marston village and now near the Sainsbury’s superstore on the outskirts of Swindon.  Apparently, this was built sometime in the late 1800s so is well over 100 years old, but has now been sold for redevelopment as a mixed use scheme. It stands on a plot of 9.7 acres and according to the Department of Transport over 22,500 cars go past every day - so I’m sure the owners are rather glad they have moved out!  It’s opposite the new Police Station for Swindon and even today, a Sunday, it was very busy on the road with plenty of cars and lorries.  We left our car at another nearby retail park and walked over, thankful that there were pelican crossings so that we could cross the busy roads safely.

The farm plot is now surrounded by metal fencing to keep “Joe Public” out and I rather liked the way the plants have grown around the windows and on the boarded up window.  The roof wouldn’t keep out much rain and was in a bad state, as were some nearby barns, so definitely derelict.

Interestingly, whilst researching this, as I like to do, to give more background information, I discovered that a one-time Vicar of St. Mary Magdalen Church, South Marston, the village nearby, in the 1920s was named Rev’d Francis George Vernon Iles - but we don’t think he was any relation!

Whilst doing the research, I came across this Drone footage and found it quite interesting, as did Mr. HCB.  It may not be of interest to many of you, but I thought it showed what could be done these days with drone photography - perhaps I should ask for one for Christmas!!

As we walked back to the car, we found some mushrooms, so I have made a collage of these and put it in as a second extra.  We weren’t sure whether they were edible, so erred on the side of caution and didn’t pick them.  I wondered if they were Shaggy Inkcaps - at times like this, would have liked Blip friend, Nicoiseannie, to have been around - because I’m sure she would know - since she is the “Queen of Fungi”!

We have just had more torrential rain - so doubt the grass will get cut tomorrow;  Mr. HCB says he will take me out for coffee in the morning so I might have to leave the Domestic Goddessing and go out with him!  

Hope you all have a great week.  M xx  

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