Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I decided that it was too miserable a day to do a Mono Monday shot, so here is a shot from our visit to our favourite coffee shop, Jack’s.

Mr. HCB had already said he would take me out for coffee, but as the torrential rain woke us in the night, and was still falling very heavily this morning, we chatted about whether or not we would still go.  It was quite dark and dismal indoors as well as outdoors, so having thought about this, decided that if we stayed in all we would do was grumble about how dark and dismal it was and that would make us miserable and dejected, so out we went!  

On the way, I did mention to Mr. HCB that we needed to pray for all the people who would be queuing outside in the pouring rain to go into the Community Fridge this morning - many of them getting there 2 hours before it opens.  
It was past the time for the school runs, so there wasn’t much traffic about, which was good - in fact, there were very few people in Jack’s when we got there, so we had the pick of the seats.

After Aimee brought our coffee and two slices of toast for me - I know, not really in the eating plan, but I just felt in need of some comfort and decided that two slices of toast were marginally better than having a huge slice of coffee and walnut cake - I was looking around for something to use for my Blip.  I did say to Mr. HCB that the theme for MM was “people from a low angle”, following which a discussion ensued as to how I would be able to do that, but I decided that was not something I wanted to carry on with bearing in mind my comments above.  

I then saw Aimee get down the jar of marshmallows and the squirty cream, obviously ready to do a hot chocolate, so having watched her make both, I went over and asked if I could take a photograph.  She smiled and said I could and then put an empty cup, teapot and little bottle of milk on the tray, so I took a shot of all three - I wonder if you can guess which one I would have had, had this been our tray?  

We popped into our favourite charity shop, DEBRA, on our way back to the car, getting soaked in the process, as the rain had not abated one jot, or should that be “one raindrop”?  We were soon home and having had lunch, Mr. HCB will soon be settling down to do a jigsaw and I will do some Blip commenting.  

We have decided we will NOT grumble about the weather as that gets rather boring, but will enjoy one another’s company and be grateful we have a warm and dry home.

Hope you all stay safe, dry and warm and have a good week, whatever you are planning to do.  M xx

P.S.  Thought the extra might amuse some of you - Mr. HCB choosing which umbrella he preferred when leaving Jack's!

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