Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Another attempt keep my camera dry!

Was hoping to have a walk in the reserve and do more gardening, but the weather very definitely said 'no'.  It's been horribly wet.  So I took the camera into town when I went to collect an order and landed up blipping this chilly miss.  And as the angle is low(ish) and she's (sort of) a person who I think looks very fetching in mono, I'm tagging her for this week's MonoMonday.  The theme for today is 'a low-angle people shot' and the challenge is hosted by Carolina.  Thanks, Carolina.

While there, I went to Waterstones.  Truss at 10 has re-whetted my appetite for writing about British politics so I've finally got round to buying Rory Stewart's Politics on the Edge, which I meant to get ages ago.  I know I'm going to enjoy it.  While still on the subject of wildlife, it'll certainly make a change from reading about trees and moths!  ;-D

Okay, that's me.  Hope your week's begun well and you have a good Monday evening  xx

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