Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Health and safety - not

The forecasters were spot on - looking out the window this morning the view was of mist rolling down the faraway hills. It stayed dull all day and during the afternoon there were several attempts to rain, though it didn't come to much.
I was hoping to finish shifting the soil at the Corran Halls today, so I went down to the roadside to pick a number of rocks from my heap to seal up one end of the bed. After lunch I went down to the Halls and met my neighbour Robert, who had arrived before me and was already picking weeds out of the paving cracks. 
I thought we’d have a quiet afternoon working away, but we'd chosen a bad time - as well as the grass cutters, who had almost finished, we had a strimmer, a blower and a chainsaw to contend with! As is so often the case, the  chainsaw operator, who was hacking down all the shrubs in the bed opposite the main doors, was working with no protection clothing at all - my Blip today. In my Head Gardener days he wouldn't have even got his head inside the gate!
I detoured to Homebase on my way home to buy another between-the-slabs scraper and came up behind a driving instructor with a clever registration number. It wasn't until I got home that I realised that the other part of her registration was relevant too! I wonder how long she had to wait to get this - my extra today.
Quote of the Day: 'Silence is a profound melody, for those who can hear it above all the noise.’ - Socrates.

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