Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


We had some rain overnight, and today it was forecast to rain all day but other than a very light rain this morning it has been dry for the rest of the day. When I took Xena for a walk there were some puddles in the woods - here Xena is contemplating this puddle, she has not seen many lately and is probably wondering whether to go around it or walk through it.

Today was busy with 'life admin'. I received a letter from the hospital giving me a date to have that mole removed from my face, but it is a date when I am away (doing a one day fungi workshop), so I phoned this morning to get another date. The secretary in the dermatology department said the dermatologist wants to do a biopsy sooner than later so I got a date a few days after my original date. The dermatologist doing the removal of the mole - who is not the person I saw - turns out to be a friend of mine, so it will strange to see her again under such circumstances. I then had to cancel my appointment with the private dermatologist, and change my appointment with the dentist which would have been a day after the removal of the mole but as I will have a small dressing on my upper lip I thought it best not to have to also deal with sitting with an open mouth at the dentist. 

Tonight I have camera club, one of the things on the agenda is to discuss a special project we are planning to do for the club's 80th anniversary which is early next year - amazing to think that our camera club was started in 1945 towards the end of the war.

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