
By hazelh

The 'car car' checks into the repair shop

My father-in-law has made a start on the restoration of my 'car car' so that it can be passed on to our nephew Xander. Here it is 'deconstructed'. We have already identified a potential problem with the refurbishment: wherever can we buy a replacement mini horn? Mr hazelh and I tried to find one in Harburn Hobbies this afternoon, but without success.

I had a terrible night's (non)sleep last night, so have struggled somewhat today. I missed out on my usual hour on the exercise bike this morning, and almost had a lie-down this afternoon. I think (hope!) that I will sleep well tonight.

Mr hazelh has baked a wonderful quiche for supper. After consuming it with some of our home-grown potatoes, we will watch Only connect and University challenge.

Exercise today: swim (60 lengths); walking (17,906 steps).

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