Living my dream

By Mima

More flowers

You can tell how much I'm celebrating the spring. Another flower Blip.

These are kowhai blossom on the second of my trees to come out. The first one is fading and rather shabby now. This one is going full bore. The third one is still a mass of tight buds. 

The succession works brilliantly for the Bellbirds, Silvereyes and Tui, as well as for the bumblebees. It gives them several weeks of blooms to investigate and feed from.

All my kowhai trees are different (unnamed) varieties, collected over the years from various friends' gardens. That their flowering follows on, one after the other, is a happy accident.

Bean and I met Wee Jock again. As we walked down the road towards his bagpipe practice he played The Mingulay Boatsong and then Westering Home. I couldn't help but sing along.

We had a long chat about Scottish folk songs, old and new, ending almost inevitably on the topic of the peerless Corries, and Flower of Scotland.

After a few moments Bean and I carried on our walk, leaving Jock to march up and down the road again, playing that final song; the sound of the pipes wafting through the air. 

It has earwormed me ever since. I thought that going down a youtube rabbit hole of Scottish songs would shake it out of my head, but not a bit of it. It is well-lodged. 

Ah well, if that's my main complaint of the day, life isn't too bad Chez Mima. 

I cannot bear today's news from Lebanon and Israel: it makes me so angry with men who believe that people's livelihoods and lives are "collateral damage" in the pursuit of their personal goals. None of my most florid words can describe my contempt, horror and disgust about what is happening.

Incidentally, I am still way behind with Blips...

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