BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Whisper ..............

 .............. Wednesday  -  office guardian!!!

I took some advice (and read up a lot) and purchased some Nutramind to see if it helps with his CCD  -  he seems a bit perkier in himself - more tail wagging and a bit more energy (not that you can tell from this photo - lol) so we will give it time.    I bought enough for three months which, I think, is a fair trial.

Now, getting him to take the stuff is another matter - for the first couple of days cheese balls was the way to go but now he won't touch them - in fact, for a dog that loves dairy, he seems to have gone off milk, cheese and butter.   I now have to wrap each capsule (two a day) in a thin slice of ham!!!!!     
The liquid contents of the capsules smell very strongly and they are messy to split - they are not cheap either so I don't want to waste any - putting it on his food means he sniffs it and walks away and, when he does come back to it, he doesn't eat it all.     Ham wraps seem to be the solution at the moment!!

Fingers crossed ...........

~ Anni ~

This is Wednesday uploaded on a VERY grey, dreary and damp Thursday morning.

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