Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Brown fly agaric?

This morning was sunny and bright when I took Xena for a walk. Since we have had some rain I kept an eye out for fungi, and I did see many more specimens - unfortunately I also saw three different lots of people fungi picking, so I knew there would not be much left to photograph. I found this fly agaric, which to me looks like a brown fly agaric which apparently we don't get in the UK, yet it is common in Scandinavia. I tried to focus stack this, I had no tripod, no glasses (so I couldn't see up close what I was doing) and it was situated in a dark corner of the woods, but it sort of worked.  As we were leaving the woods it started raining, I got a little damp but by the time I got home it was bucketing down so I was glad not to be caught in that. It has been a day of rain interspersed with sunshine all day.

I went to the hairdresser today and feel better for it! Men won't understand...

Today is Tommy's last day in the office - he finishes his internship tomorrow but will be working from home. He has very much enjoyed the project he was asked to do during his internship, and they must have liked him as he was offered a full time job plus they offered to pay for him to do a PhD in London - but he turned it down as the PhD he will be pursuing in Munich through TUM (Technical University of Munich) while working for Helmholtz is far better suited to his particular research in Bayesian neural networks. Not long now before he heads off to Munich, he is very excited and I will miss him.

Yesterday I got a reminder and so have booked my Christmas delivery slot  - I cannot bear to be thinking about Christmas in September, but as we are going away and will only get back one week before Christmas I need to be super organised this year. The years roll around and Christmas seems to come sooner every year!

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