Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

JR had a coffee with her gym buddies in the Red Box this morning. Archie and I set off across the Meadows. It was glorious weather! And although my jacket was zipped up, I was just in a tee shirt. 

We passed a chap in a kilt and a nice toorie. (Extra) He was a herbalist, selling weird looking dried herbs. We chatted for a while - he's there every Friday, apparently. I should have asked him what he recommended for rotor cuff injury. Or sore knees. Or carpal tunnel...

We popped in to the new 'Futures' building for a while - they have a huge room, with big windows, free WiFi, loads of computer desks and sofas and tables. And it was mobbed! But I'd didn't have a coffee. And NO pastries!

It being such a nice day, I thought I'd just walk further - just over the road and down a lane, and I'd come to the castle viewpoint. I haven't been there for ages. But it was mobbed! People were lining up to take turns to stand there at the optimal spot. Archie quickly obliged. Those two people sitting in the PRIME SPOT, one with a luminous green hat on, were there for ages (everyone else took a photo and moved off) so must be in many people’s Instagram shots…

We came back over the Meadows, but I was flagging by this time, so we came straight across, not following any paths - they're a few hundred steps further. (7,903 steps - should have done a few more...)

JR was still out - she'd gone to do the supermarket shopping. And then a haircut. And then she took Archie a big walk up to the vet to pick up his pills.

I watched a ridiculously complicated McDonald & Dodds (who writes this stuff?) but I just let it flow over me, and didn't try to figure it out. This is now Series 4, and I've noticed changes in DC Dodds. For one, his tie was skew-iff, and his top button undone. NOT the DC Dodds I know! And for another, he was fiddling with his chair for much of the episode, and was heard to say, 'My chair's broke!' I was sure this person was going to be revealed as an imposter, but no...

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