
By fitzbilly

A Bostin Day!

We did a Boundless day today, a visit to the Black Country Living Museum. We had booked it back in February.

I have to say the organisation was a bit messy. I parked in the wrong car park, though it turned out the correct car park was full anyway. It meant we got a bit lost finding the Boundless entrance, but on the way had the opportunity to buy a £3.50 car park token which we were told we would have to get. Then when we finally got the right entrance they gave out free tokens, the result of a last minute negotiation with the museum. OK though as they refunded the £3.50 in the gift shop at the end.

The museum is great, loads to see, you do need a full day there. Looking back at some photos from our previous (and perhaps only) visit in 1981 though we were surprised there are no trams or trolley buses running now. No blacksmith demo either. I took a photo of the post box back in 1981 and that was still there, but relocated now. Mrsfb wanted to be in the extra.

The main blip is the guide in the boiler house. He was very knowledgeable. and patient too as he waited for me to bump up the ISO to get the shot. Most of the guides are getting on in years, so I'm not sure what if any succession planning they have in place.

We had to queue for ages for some food, and then there was another 45 minute wait. This meant we were too late to go down the mine. It closed just as we got to the queue, even though there was still over an hour to go until closing time. Overall though a great place to visit and excellent value with our Boundless offer.

One year ago:
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Tara a bit!

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