
By soozsnapz

Bristol figs

I’ve been buying more, and more varied fruit recently.  Trying to eat 30 different plants a week, which is supposed to help our gut health, which then helps our immune system.  So my GP says. This week I bought fresh figs for the first time - they are black, ripe, delicious, and come from Turkey. A near neighbour has a fig tree in their front garden - it’s very attractive, both the leaves and fruits are such a pleasing shape.  But I don’t think we’ll ever be able to eat Bristol figs. 
A nice day, a bit of gardening, a bit of cooking - my new favourite thing which is honeyed roast beetroot and carrot with hazelnuts and feta. Listening to my football team win, though it was touch and go til the end. 
I tried to avoid the news, but of course I did end up reading about what’s happening. So many more people killed, so many more having to flee bombing. 

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