Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

Well, that year seems to have gone quickly and we can’t believe that it is Pinktober again!

However, it is also a VERY SPECIAL day for a little girl called Loulou and I wonder if you can guess the name of her Grandmother?

If not, we will tell you all - it is ADMIRER!  You will all know, of course, that many years ago Admirer started the Silly Saturday Challenge, and a great success it was too - if not for that, this Silly Saturday Gang wouldn’t have been formed!

Sadly Admirer died before she met her little Granddaughter, Loulou, but we thought we would get together to help Loulou celebrate her 3rd birthday TODAY.  

SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOULOU from all of us in the Silly Saturday Gang - and that includes all those who are still living and having the holiday of a lifetime in Australia and goodness knows where else!

We have been learning how to say it in your language and although we got a bit muddled, we managed it in the end - o, “Fijne verjaardag” to you Loulou and may you have many more happy birthdays.

We had to have cakes of course, so Mrs HCB bought some of Mr. Kipling’s Finest French Fancies and very nice they were too.  We also had some pink and white marshmallows, you know, the sort that go on top of a Hot Chocolate - and then there had to be candles - 3 of them - just for Loulou.  We are sure that her Mummy, Mischa, will tell her all about the Silly Saturday Gang and of course, how we always celebrate EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY in memory of her beloved Grandmother, who started all this silliness and we are sure will be happy to know that we have celebrated Loulou’s birthday in style.

Please say Hi to your Mummy and Daddy from us - we would love to meet you all one day - so perhaps we need to come on a trip to see you sometime - well if all those others can go to Australia then I’m sure a trip to where you live would be great too.

And then, Mrs HCB reminded us that it is PINKTOBER again - and that is when we remember all those who are coping with breast cancer - and their families, of course.  We also remember that we have to ask you to click on this LINK, so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram can have a free one.  Please click and if we all click every day in October, it will make a HUGE difference.  

Take care and remember to BE KIND - because you never know if you will be the one to make someone’s day!  

Love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  Mr and Mrs. HCB both went to the hairdressers this morning and then did some serious shopping - we won't tell you exactly what they bought, but you can see Mr. HCB in the extra with all the shopping bags but sadly nothing pink in sight!

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