
By Veronica


Bu not as dramatic as it looks. It was breezy, but the storm clouds were not heading over here. It made for very nice light ... I took about a dozen photos of my favourite pylon, but couldn't quite catch it right. Shame about the cables here, but that's real life for you.

Weigh-in day today ... I've lost another 0.7 kg since last week :) I went for a walk to listen to podcasts, and then went to yoga this evening. We did an hour of stretches and then a good 25 minutes of yoga nidra, i.e. lying on the floor wrapped in blankets with our eyes shut. It is very hypnotic, but unfortunately I was next to H, and after about five minutes she started snoring and didn't let up till the end. Not even when Eric did his periodic ding! on a bell to remind us not to fall asleep. It was a good session though.

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