
By TonyG


I think I must post a blip of a bee or fly on an autumn crocus flower every year!   So here's this year's offering, on a Crocus niveus flower which has so far escaped the rampaging slugs.

A lovely sunny early autumn day, the sun still really warm if you were out of the wind.  The builder came round to start work on repairs to the back wall this morning but unfortunately ended up condemning it.  A wobble was demonstrated, in effect one man could push the wall over if he tried.   We didn't!   Twenty five feet long, ranging from five to seven feet tall, needless to say the cost of the job went up rather :-(   Even my half will cost more than a month's wages.   Thankfully my neighbour, who is paying half, was pleasantly surprised at the new price the builder I had asked put in ... I think her regular chap might have bid higher.  We've agreed on a fence supported with concrete posts and raised up on concrete splash boards to reduce the risk of rot at the base.  

After all this was resolved, a lovely, long walk with C and the Megs.  On such a glorious day we all enjoyed it ... even if it wasn't warm enough for shorts.  An extra pic testifies to the beautiful day :-)

Home to lunch a late and an early afternoon call with Ruth and the Gastro registrar who we saw two weeks ago.  She has just finished the antibiotics and there are glimmers of improvement, hopefully things will improve further once the antibiotics are out of her system.  Gastro will continue to monitor things which is reassuring.

The rest of the day was equally split between potting up bulbs and pottery ... and gathering in two loads of laundry dried outside today.  At pottery this evening it was a mix of glazing and making.  In the latter category I turned the mug that was born on Tuesday and am very pleased with the final shape.  Then I made and attached a handle to it before  making a plate on the wheel.  It's not exactly throwing as this was a rolled slab, roughly round, placed on the wheel and smoothed.  Then with the wheel turning, a needle tool can be used to cut a perfect disc of clay.   The edge of this is lifted with a finger or in my case a wooden tool placed under the edge with the wheel turning.   It's quick and easy ... so far.   Once dry I will need to turn it over and trim the base with it back on the wheel.   Pictures will follow in due course.

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