
By ArcLight

The Story of Water

This is all part of the Coalie Park improvement works. The first phase involved renewal of the area downstream of the Great Junction Street bridge and it finished in spring this year. This phase involves the improvement of the west end of Coalie Park, upstream of the Great Junction Street bridge, which has long been a site for outdoor drinking, some antisocial behaviour and a lot of quite wild street art. Now those organising the renovation works have commissioned a mural from an artist/designer, which will be painted on to the walls (and hopefully left untagged....) as part of a general effort to make this part of the park more accessible to a wider range of people. It will still remain dependent on volunteer labour to keep the area clean as it is in fact to get the paint on the walls in the first place. They were trying to persuade me to stop and join in when I walked down that way, and it was mighty tempting although it was raining a bit at the time. However, work called.... Scrolling down the improvement works webpage gives an indication of what the mural will look like - with a more consistent and colourful design. I took the photograph on the way home from the supermarket - which was the main destination for my walk out this morning - from the opposite side of the river. That area could do with a bit of TLC as well.

Anyway, all of this gave me my blip which I might have got earlier if I hadn't been too idle to get out of bed until after sunrise, by which time the sky was no longer on fire.

I've spent a quiet day at home, apart from the above and a session with the peloton bike, communing with the laptop in the living room, where there is far more natural light than my study. I didn't manage to get back to my academic writing, which I had intended to, but I did make progress on thinking through some issues of contention in the School, which will come up at a meeting next week. I was moderately triggered by an email that came in yesterday evening, but I've been calmed down by a colleague who has pointed out that what we are trying to achieve was always going to ruffle feathers. I look forward to getting back up to Tain next week, as that will mean that the pinch points in the week will be over and done with, whether to my satisfaction or not.

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