Escape into the woods
I felt so much better today that I went for a short (very short) walk in the woods near Barrasford.
I love the dappled light at this time of year. I enjoyed it even though the brambles and nettles and insects were out to get me! (Note to self, put insect repellant on the top of the list for the upcoming Scottish trip.)
I had fun trying to capture the tiny seeds of rose bay willow herb as they blew around. Then I spotted the extra. I was determined to make the image, but the wind blew and the leaf wanted to be in the shade. I nearly removed it from the tree, but I would have felt guilty about the insects sleeping in the galls!
For reasons I don't need to go into, I had to reset the camera and I forgot to do the date and time. These images want to appear in 2019, but I'm hoping they have agreed that they were taken on October 5th!
I finished the series of Ludwig. What an enjoyable romp.
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