Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


In more ways than one, I was so grateful that Alison was there this morning - firstly to hear her playing in the Worship Group and secondly because she had her cerise pink dress on - so just right for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!  Afterwards, I also spotted A with her lovely little pink shoes, so had to have a snap of those too.

Although both arms are quite sore, I slept another 8 hours last night, even after sleeping during the day, possibly the after effects of our double jabs.  Mr. HCB only has slight soreness, but we are grateful to have had the free jabs.

Although we have no Minister at present, we always love hearing Ian, our speaker for today - he is from the North East and has a wonderful turn of phrase - or should I say phrases!  He is always so relatable and so good to listen to, and this morning did amazingly well, considering that our older children, or young people as I think they should be described, were in for the whole service, which he only found out last week.

The songs were great and all in all, it was a wonderful service, following which we chatted with various friends over coffee.  There is an evening service, but I think I shall be ready for my bed early this evening, before another appointment at the surgery tomorrow morning, when I will be having some blood taken - if the nurse can find the vein!  As I said to the lovely GP who did my jabs yesterday, it was a shame he couldn’t do the bloods as well, it would have saved me going tomorrow!

It’s a murky day today and from the look of the weather forecast for the next few days, there won’t be much sun until Friday - guess I could use the time indoors to do some decluttering - that never-ending job.  I have suggested to Mr. HCB that we get rid of the big table in one of our bedrooms and make it into a sitting room instead - he isn’t that keen, but I may be able to win him over - and I have said it will be a good “winter project” - watch this space!

Have a great week, and please continue to click on this LINK so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram may have a free one - and if you live in the UK please book yours if you haven’t had one for a while!  M xx  

P.S.  The Silly Saturday Gang - all three - thank you for your lovely comments yesterday - they apologise that Mrs. HCB was rubbish at commenting, but she was "wiped out" from the walk and her two jabs!  She will try and do better, she tells us!

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