This is the day

By wrencottage

Another avenue of trees

Smithers and I managed another walk today, as far as the Winston Churchill statue and back, which is about two miles. 

I realise I put quite a similar shot up yesterday, but I wanted to upload this photo because recently there have been some major tree works going on down this avenue of trees leading to the statue – a lot of them have reached the end of their safe life expectancy, and many have been felled. There are still more due to be replaced, as can be seen from the ivy-bordered notice on one of the trees (in extras, along with a close up of the statue).  

Lots of undergrowth has been removed along the path, as well as the trees, and the whole walk seemed lighter and more attractive. The statue isn’t really visible on the main photo, but you’ll have to take my word for it that he’s right at the end of the avenue. 

I confess to airbrushing an inconveniently-placed lamppost behind the great man, both in the close up and the distant shot, because it offended my eye!

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