
By Mister_Moai


Grandkids day today (one of two days, each week). So now am in need of six hours in an isolation tank three hundred feet underground in the Swiss alps. Just kidding, love the bones of my grandchildren and feel privileged to have such access to them, but with one at four years and the other at nine months it's a full-on day. One's attention span has to be in turbo mode for several hours. 

There were three of us on duty today as my daughter (Auntie H.) is living with us currently, due to unexpected furlough. 

So - had a walk down the lane to look at the horses, carried four year old lass on my shoulders walking back. Spent an hour in the garden, picking fruit and finding snails, built a mini city out of wooden blocks. Mrs Moai and I then sang nursery rhymes' greatest hits to the nine month old lad, I then played harmonica to the little fella. Next - assembled the high chair, disassembled the high, tackled the little fella's poonami - me being the chief nappy technician. Mrs Moai cooked, cleaned, soothed, played policewoman. Daughter was the Lego queen for the day as well as feeding the baby and putting him down for his two naps and being co-herder of four yr old whilst on the horse-hunting safari.

Still and all I managed to take 10 mins out to take a snap of Guinevere, looking a bit lost and sad amongst the dappled shade of the apple tree at the bottom of the garden. She's seen better days but still cuts a regal presence amongst all the other sculptural denizens of the garden.

Right, off to bed now...

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