
By fitzbilly

Crazy Cage

It's that time again, the annual camera club outing to the Cirencester Mop Fair.

I took almost 300 photos, I will probably end up with about half a dozen that I will keep. I got a few different shots this year though which was good.

The Mono Monday theme is 'mysterious' - well it's a mystery to me why anyone would willingly go on rides like this, and pay for the experience as well, £5 or even £7. I'd rather spend it on a beer or a hot dog.

After an hour or so we'd had enough and retired to the pub. As always though it was an enjoyable evening. And it kept dry too. I even gave one of my blipfoto cards to another club member. I wonder if she is reading this.

One year ago:
I've Just Seen A Face
I've still got that conker, and it still has a face.

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