Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

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A sunny day here after a low of 1.2°C last night - it may be the last sunny day for a while as rain is forecast for tomorrow. According to my neighbour, the weather's been pretty good while we were away enjoying the rain!

I spent a couple of hours this morning getting our Photo Club images ready for sending to the judge - our first competition of the season. I just wish that I didn't have to spend so much time sorting out wrong sizing and titling - we've been over this time and again! Never mind, my job, I suppose. A much lower number of pictures than usual, which is odd as usually an Open competition is better supported.

I had to go out for a Physio appointment this afternoon and when I came home in late afternoon the sun was shining on this Sorbus beside the house. Unfortunately I don't have an identity for it - unusually for me I lost the label before recording the details on my table of garden plants. It's an upright cultivar, and though I asked the plant centre if they could let me know the names of any Sorbus cultivars that they'd sold in the last few years they were unable to help. Shocking - an unnamed plant in the garden!

Quote of the Day: 'I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.' – L.M. Montgomery.

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