
By maureen6002

Autumn Abstract

One day, I promise  will post an entry that has absolutely no mention of any medical issues whatsoever; one day …… but not today! 

I spend most of the day in my local hospital doing a ‘trial without catheter’ - technically known as a TWOC! I’ll avoid the details, and leave it to your imagination, but basically it means having your catheter removed and seeing whether things ‘work’ without it. 

Things don’t look hopeful, but I keep trying before eventually, after five hours, I admit defeat and have a catheter replaced. I would dearly love to be without it, but as things stand, having it in place gives me the chance of a relatively normal life. I’m hoping that Liverpool may have some answers, but I suspect the ultimate solution may well be a urostomy. 

Back home I just slump into reading and watching television, though I do take some shots of vases full of dead leaves and seed heads. These are faffed to become more red and gold in tune with today’s autumn abstract theme. 

Then, just as I’ve settled into bed, G comes in and tells me to come outside to see the aurora in the sky. Unknown to us, North Wales - and many other areas - has been treated to a display to rival last May. Of course, I have to go outside, donning my dressing gown and going into the front garden, hoping no one is around to see me. Sure enough, between the clouds is a starry sky of pinks and greens. The ever generous G offers to drive me to Llandudno where the views are likely to be stunning, but I just have to admit even an aurora-fest is just beyond me at the moment, and I’m adding the one shot that I’ve taken from our house as an extra. 

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