Judith's photos

By Judith

After a slow (in places) but uneventful journey, we arrived in Ashford. Our hotel is an older Premier Inn, on a business site away from the town centre, so we caught a bus into the town. We were delighted to find a Turkish restaurant so we abandoned any ideas of eating at the hotel and spent a couple of hours walking around before going for a meal. Stuffed vine leaves and moussaka? Don’t mind if I do!
Of course, by the time we’d finished, there weren’t any more buses going to our hotel, so we took one that got us partway back as the last part of the journey, just over a mile, looked pretty straightforward. Which is how come we ended up in the middle of a housing estate, walking down unlit paths and climbing up & down lots of steps (also unlit) to get across a bridge over the mainline railway..

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