
By tridral

Dim mynd yn ôl

Dim mynd yn ôl ~ No going back

“Drop mind, intellect and consciousness, leave memory, thinking, and observing alone. Don't try to fabricate Buddha. Don't be concerned with how well or how poorly you think you are doing; just understand that time is as precious as if you were putting out a fire in your hair.”
― Keizan

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Diwrnod cyfrous heddiw (i fi, beth bynnag), mae fy 'Stormbox' wedi cyrraedd, Mae'n fel bwced mawr sy'n ffitio i mewn y 'Clubhouse' ar cefn y beic. Mae'n mwy syml na panniers ac mae ei cynhwysedd y yn fawr iawn. Gwnes i angen help o Nor'dzin ei ffitio, ac nawr rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at mynd i'r siopau ac yn prynu rhywbeth fawr.

Heddiw roeddwn i'n parhau sganio ffotograffau. Mae'n proses araf ond mae'n well i wneud rhywbeth yn araf na dim o gwbl. Ar fy nghyflymder presennol bydd yn cymryd amser hir, ond os dw i ddim yn gwneud dim byd it will take forever. Ar ôl i mi sganio set o ffotograffau rhoiais i nhw ar y tân. Dim mynd yn ôl a dim cymysglyd rhwng pethau rydw i wedi'u gwneud a phethau rydw i eto i'w gwneud.
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An exciting day today (for me, anyway), my 'Stormbox' has arrived, It's like a big bucket that fits in the 'Clubhouse' on the back of the bike. It is simpler than panniers and its capacity is very large. I needed help from Nor'dzin to fit it, and now I'm looking forward to going to the shops and buying something big.

Today I continued scanning photographs. It is a slow process but it is better to do something slowly than nothing at all. At my current speed it will take a long time, but if I don't do anything it will take forever. After I scanned a set of photographs I put them on the fire. No going back and no mixing between things I've done and things I've yet to do.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Ffotograffau ar y tân
Description (English): Photographs on the fire
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