Living my dream

By Mima

Oh dear

Poor old Bean is in the wars. Sometime and somehow yesterday she injured her back right paw. (The back left one had a sore claw last week.) 

She - and therefore I - had a disturbed night. She was uncomfortable, shuffling, licking it, and then in the final three hours of darkness she whimpered occasionally. Despite wolfing down her breakfast with gusto, she was shivery and clearly in real pain when we got up.

So by 7.30am we were on the road to the vet clinic. I chanced they'd be able to fit her in at 8 when they opened, and fortunately they could. 

Lovely vet Kelly spent ages putting Bean at her ease and then looking at her whole leg, to check hip, knee, hock and each toe. One toe is very sore indeed.

We discussed all the options: a break; a sprain; wrenched tendons; a crush injury; and finally, a twist or turn which has exacerbated arthritis. She reckoned the last option the most likely.

The short term treatment for any and all of these is anti-inflammatories and painkillers. She had some meds immediately in a welcome surprise extra breakfast at the vets'. And half an hour later she was sleeping soundly and comfortably. 

When she woke later on, she was a much happier girl. And therefore so am I.

These furry four leggedy children are just like real ones in the levels of worry they can induce...

I am going to sleep exceedingly well tonight.

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