Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We woke to a very wet and cold Monday morning when I was glad I didn’t have to go out!

However, I decided to pop out into the garden to take some shots of the various pink flowers still blooming but made sure I was well protected against the rain.  I rather liked this pink dahlia with lots of raindrops on it, which was grown from seed by Mr HCB last year, stored for the winter and then replanted in June of this year.  I have put a collage in as an extra to see some of our other pink flowers, and of course, they do look very pretty with the raindrops.

I’m now sitting with my electric throw over me because my legs and feet are cold - listening to some beautiful music to lift my spirits.  It’s would be so easy just to keep thinking about how cold, wet and dreary it is today but we have so much to be thankful for.  We have a full food cupboard and fridge, clean water, a warm home, each other, friends who care about us, and plenty of other blessings.

These are things we take very much for granted but which many in the world do not have, especially those involved in the many conflicts, wars in the world and other disasters.  We only have to turn on the News on our radio or television to hear and see distressing sights that have become commonplace for so many and from which there is no let-up.

So I have spoken sternly to myself and then prayed about those in such dire need of comfort and help when I am so blessed.

With this in mind, would you please continue to CLICK on this LINK so that thousands who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram may have a free one - thank you so much!

Enjoy your Monday, whatever the weather and whatever you are doing.  M xx 

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