Capital adventures

By marchmont

Another joyous evening

I woke early, ruminating on packing, and reprogrammed the heating before I went for an early swim, though the merits of that were dissipated by the time it took to turn right at Kaime on the way home. 

Did some tidying before my meeting and then got the bulk of the packing done. It was easy!  I was early, again, leaving for the Traverse, and another dissipation occurred due to traffic in Princes St. However, had an enjoyable chat with a stranger over my pie and enjoyed the play, a lesbian love story. 

By this time my visitors were in Edinburgh but had changed Malaysian restaurants so I met them at Nanyang and not the closed on a Tuesday, Kampung Ah Lee. S has brought a humongous suitcase which took ages to drag across to Nicolson. They are only here 4 days! 

Willow was a bit spooked by T, she doesn't get to meet hyper 10 year old boys very often but we chatted had a walk to Margiotta and then S insisted on ordering Thai takeaway away though she had problems with her Malaysian card. 

Then I was back in the road again to the Lyceum. It was a glorious evening about books and reading and writing and more books, some audience participation, some politics and some lesbian history and observations on how women are written out of most things, including Wikipedia. Sandi Toksvig is amazing. She ended with us all up on our feet air conducting the finale of Beethoven's 9th. I left feeling uplifted, and with a copy of the book that came with the ticket. Joy indeed 

Home by 10.30 and straight to bed. 

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