
By tridral


Swigod ~ Bubbles

“Photography, like any other art, is a form of communication. The artist is not blowing bubbles for his own gratification, but is speaking a language, is telling somebody something.”
― William Mortensen
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Rydw i'n meddwl fy mod i wedi gorffen sganio fy ffotograffau du a gwyn. (Dim ond miloedd o ffotograffau lliw nawr. ) Ar ôl sganio llawer o ffotograffau gyda dyddiau rhwng tua 1914 tan tua 1960. Rydych chi'n dechrau sylwi patrymau. Y byrder ein bywydau ydy un. Arall yw nifer fach o'ch teulu rydych chi'n byth yn adnabod. Rydyn ni'n symud trwy amser mewn swigen o bum cenhedlaeth. Rydyn ni'n adnabod ein chwiorydd a'n brodyr, ein rhieni a'n plant, ein neiniau a theidiau a'n wyrion, efallai. Tu allan y swigen hon, ein teulu'n ddirgel. Efallai rydyn ni'n gwybod ychydig o enwau, ond rydyn ni byth yn nabod y bobl.

Efallai y bydd cenedlaethau’r dyfodol yn darllen Blipfoto. Beth fyddan nhw'n ei feddwl?
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I think I've finished scanning my black and white photographs. (Only thousands of colour photographs now. ) After scanning many photographs with dates from about 1914 to about 1960. You begin to notice patterns. The brevity of our lives is one. Another is a small number of your family that you never know. We move through time in a bubble of five generations. We know our sisters and brothers, our parents and children, our grandparents and grandchildren, perhaps. Outside this bubble, our family is mysterious. We may know a few names, but we never know the people.

Maybe future generations will read Blipfoto. What will they think?
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Glaw ar ddeilen rhosyn
Description (English): Rain on a rose leaf
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