La vida de Annie

By Annie

Un hombre y su(s) perro(s).

One man and his dog(s).
Early start to get me to a doctor's appointment to try to pin down why I'm falling over occasionally - last time being on the cinema steps after watching Betelgeuse in Liverpool recently. Very thorough exam ruling out TIA, obvious heart and lung probs, ear infection etc., and appointments made for a blood test, ECG and a 24-hour BP thingy to wear, although I've tested my BP every day this week and it's been fine. Very impressed by the professional approach by the GP, as opposed to what I would have got in the UK, namely a dismissal without any tests, just the diagnosis "it's old age".
Anyway, as we had the 3 main dogs with us - it was supposed to be just Loki but the others made a fuss - we then went to nearby Fornells to let them run along the cliff and path up to the martello tower on the hill. They enjoyed it enormously despite the many tourists around, and Loki held back from savaging a nice French lady who wished him "bonjour". He was triggered by the proximity of people and had to self-soothe by doing a few rapid spins on the spot. Just got back to the car before the rain started again.

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