
By Stace91

Night Life

I had rehearsals last night for the musical I am in so I was not able to get a photo yesterday... But I remembered that I took this on Sunday driving to my Aunty's house so I thought I would use it waste not, want not ;-) oh and I was not driving, my dad was. Don't text or take photos while driving. I care about your safety :-D

I love driving around at night with all the street lights shining and the full moon in the sky adds a nice atmosphere :-)

We finally finished a dance routine last night yay!! I would celebrate more but I am in pain after falling on my Gluteus Maximus :-( Which I'm meant to do by the way I'm just not meant to do it repeatedly over a three hour period. OW!

Had a scary fun eventful morning. I thought both of my parents had gone to work so there I was lying in bed contemplating getting up or trying to catch an extra 10 minutes shut eye, when all of a sudden I hear rustling downstairs. I instantly go into freak out mode looking around my room to see if I have a weapon! Hmmm... Plush toys, gym shoes, oh remote controls are hard I will just pick that up! (Remember I am still tired at this point and not thinking clearly)

I am not in the mood to be a ninja! My butt hurts! Wonder if I could ask them to punch themselves in the face. I thought. I slowly open my bedroom door, curious as to why my dog isn't barking. Some guard dog!!

Then I heard the tv.... Either this burglar is an amateur and wants to hear the latest on Kate and Wills baby and be up to date with the issues in the world before he gets caught and goes to jail or he is testing the product before he steals it. Why would you go through all the effort of stealing things to find out when you get home that you can't burn your pirated DVDs which you stole from another house on to your new free DVD player because it's broken?
I'm a thinker, it ain't just a hat rack my friends ;-)

Long story short I didn't need to tell anyone to knock themselves out because it was my mum. Home from work sick. Well I was already out of bed might as well get a cup of tea.

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