
By Teasel

Red Berries

Storm Ashley was expected today – though we were not expected to get the worst of it.  It didn’t seem too bad when I got up this morning, but after pottering for a wee while, while contemplating a run, the wind got up a bit and the rain was battering off the living room windows.  I decided against a run at that point and thought it was a good morning to bake a cake.  I had promised BB a cake a couple of weekends ago, but didn’t get round to it, so I made him  lemon drizzle cake to take back for him and his flat mates to enjoy.  I also planned to make a chocolate orange cake for us, but I ran out of caster sugar.  Disaster.  One the lemon drizzle cake was done, I walked down to the supermarket – in the sunshine for sugar and a few provisions.  By this time the day had improved, but it was still windy – though probably not anymore windy than it was on  Friday.  I came home and hung some washing out.
BB was quite subdued today, and after lunch I found a bag of muddy wet rugby kit gracing the kitchen floor – for the wash apparently. I shoved it all in the machine, hung it out and got it dry.  He left mid-afternoon to get himself back to Glasgow.  TT had some work to do and I went out for a walk.  It was a lovely afternoon,  except when I was walking into the wind.  When I got back home, BB was cooking tea.  He made me a gin and tonic and I did a few chores, while enjoying my drink!  Later he called his mum and BB called me.  I’m not sure why he called, as he didn’t have much to say.
TT and I watched Gone Fishing, then I made my third cake of the day – another lemon drizzle cake for my mum and dad.  Definitely a good baking day.  The wind has definitely got stronger this evening and it has been raining again.  We had planned to meet up with TT’s sister in the Borders today, but we postponed due to the weather warnings.  I was also meant to be driving up to my parents this evening, but that too has been postponed.
These berries were glowing in the sunshine this afternoon.

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