
By Stace91

Through The Glass

Through The Glass - StoneSour

"So while you're outside looking in
Describing what you see,
Remember what you're staring at is me.

Cause I'm looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed,
All I know is that it feels like forever,
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head"

Have had this song in my head all week! Figured I would utilise it in my blip to hopefully get rid of it from my mind. Also said I would photograph the new mirror, ta-da!

Woke up this morning to a royal baby extravaganza. Congrats to Will and Kate, their bundle of joy is gorgeous :-) They would be spending their first night at home with the little prince, an exciting but scary time for any new parent but they looked calm on the steps of the hospital. Apparently there were lip readers in the media who said when Kate handed the baby over to William she said to him "Have you got him? Mind the head" I have a feeling they're going to be just fine :-)

I only hope that the media and press back off a little considering what happened to Diana.

Wednesday! Rehearsal tonight, still recovering from the last one... It happens when you pretend to be a dancer :-P ahh well, fake it till you make it ;-)

Have a great day everyone!!!

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