Symud ymlaen
Symud ymlaen ~ Moving on
“These people live again in print as intensely as when their images were captured on old dry plates of sixty years ago... I am walking in their alleys, standing in their rooms and sheds and workshops, looking in and out of their windows. Any they in turn seem to be aware of me.”
― Ansel Adams, (The preface of ‘Jacob A. Riis : photographer & citizen’, by Alexander Alland)
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Rydyn ni wedi bod yn storio pethau i ffrind ers amser maith - mae'n teimlo fel blynyddoedd ond rili mae hi'n ddim ond un flwyddyn efallai. Mae hi wedi bod yn byw gyda ni am ychydig o wythnosau, ond nawr mae hi'n symud ymlaen. Bydd hi'n symud mewn pythefnos, felly meddylion ni byddwn ni symud ei phethau hi o'r cefn y llofft (loft) i'r blaen, wrth y grisiau. Bydd hi'n haws iddi i symud nhw i lawr pan mae'r amser yn dod. Felly ar ôl awr cafodd y gwaith wedi'i chwblhau ac mae mwy o le yn y llofft am bethau ni. Roedden ni'n hapus.
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We've been storing things for a friend for a long time - it feels like years but it's probably only one year. She has been living with us for a few weeks, but now she is moving on. She will be moving in two weeks, so we thought we would move her things from the back of the loft to the front, by the stairs. It will be easier for her to move them down when the time comes. So after an hour the work was completed and there is more space in the loft for our things. We were happy.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Menyw hapus gyda dau fawd i fyny, mewn anhrefn trefnus
Description (English): A happy woman with two thumbs up, in organised chaos
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