curns' corner

By curns

Walking home

Some days, there really isn't a lot to write about. I sit at my desk, staring at the screens, attending the virtual meetings (today: stand-up, refinement, a cross-team discussion about the postcode project and a quick technical discussion about an upcoming epic), drinking, or microwaving so I can drink, coffee. In the afternoon, I switch to tea.

I don't know what it is about Wednesday afternoons, but I always get into a groove in the afternoon writing requirements. Perhaps Wednesday after lunch is my brain's perfect working moment: I've built up to this peak, and it's all downhill to the weekend. Switching off on a Wednesday is more challenging than on other days. I have a similar thing on Friday afternoons where the impending weekend makes document writing seem more important, and my 6pm end-of-day is often missed. But Wednesday is worse.

Being in the work groove on a Wednesday at the end of the day is one of the reasons why I struggle to get to my Tai Chi class some weeks. Again, today, I was still working after 6pm and needed to be on the 6:28pm train. But I made it, and the class was, again, enjoyable. Last week, I visited the school's website and started the "tian ren di" online programme. I am glad I did, as we used some of the movements in today's class, and, for once, I was ahead of the game. Last week's regular class was online because the hall was having some work done: tonight, we got to practise on the new floor they had installed, and it's much improved and softer underfoot.

Yet again, as I left, I captured today's photograph. On Wednesdays, it's something I do: that's why there are a lot of 'Waterloo Wednesdays' pictures. Today, it's a picture of the Vaulty Towers pub on the corner. It's always busy. My experience there was the only time I have been there, and it was not great, but maybe it's worth trying again.

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