Ruby-throated hummingbird

This is a female hummingbird, hence there is no ruby throat. We have been trying to make our back yard more appealing to birds, including the hummingbirds, and I think we are succeeding. We've added more feeders, and I keep them filled and clean. Bob and I both get excited when the hummers show up. Today one of them was sipping so voraciously at the feeder that we could see bubbles rising from the tube to the top of the feeder. I got several pictures tonight, none of them completely satisfactory because the light was pretty low. I chose this one to post because I have never seen a hummingbird pose like this. She is clinging to the chain that holds the feeder. My other favorite picture today is this one of Gulliver trying to hide in the garden. I actually like it better than the one of the hummingbird, but the hummer is more unusual, so it gets the blipspot.

Another beautiful day in Ohio, and I actually made it to the park for a little walk. That was this afternoon. This morning we went to the funeral for the husband of a good friend. He was suffering with Alzheimer's disease, so I guess it was a blessing, but sad nevertheless.

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