Home again!

We're home again from our wonderful four day stay at the Homestead Resort in Virginia. If I started in to tell you about the hospitality, the beauty, and the fun we had with our family, I wouldn't know where to stop, so I will just tell you that from beginning to end, it was magnificent. I give The Homestead a five-star rating and recommend it highly. I will backblip as soon as I get all my pictures downloaded and will gradually fill in some of the details.

Today's blip is of the Falling Spring Falls on the Jackson River in northwestern Virginia. An 80 foot drop, it is a mixture of warm thermal spring water and a cold stream of shallow ground water... a beautiful sight. While we were there, a small group of photographers climbed over the fence and made their way down to the bottom of the falls. Cautious person that I am, I was content to blip them from above.

Footnote: On our way home, we picked up Gulliver at our daughter's house. She had retrieved him from the dogsitter on Monday (see the blip for July 8). He heard our voices when we got out of our car in her driveway and was excited beyond measure that we had come back for him.

More backblips to come, but right now I'm heading to bed. We covered a lot of miles today and blipped a waterfall. I think that is enough for one day. Goodnight all!

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