Tangerine Dream
Bit of an annoying start as I didn't bother checking the Nuffield app on my phone so I set off for an aqua class at 10.30. All well and good until I got there and realised it started at 10.15. Schoolboy error.
I whizzed round Morrisons, begrudgingly as I hate going to a supermarket at the weekend. I was right to be reluctant, it was awful in there. Restocking during the day, endless boxes of Christmas nonsense everywhere and it'll be like that for the next six weeks or more. I'm a Grinch and I do not care. Anyway, we gotta eat.
I enlisted Skunk's help to wrestle a pot bound Christmas tree from the massive pot it's lived in for a few years. It gone to live on a farm, ha ha. Actually, we took it to the allotment and stuck it in the ground there.
I pulled up a little bunch of carrots I'd sown in a pot. We won't be making soup but they're big enough to make a pretty addition to a Sunday roast.
Rain stopped play so I returned home to attack the clothes explosion upstairs. I transferred some stuff from the old chest of drawers to the lovely new (not new) G Plan one bought from our neighbour. I'm being ruthless and trying to get rid of some of the excess. Trying but not being very successful.
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