
A strenuous walk up to Bridestones from Lydgate. Very pleasant views eased the pain on the ascent. Then, on a road across the moor, a chap restoring a dry stone wall told me, with real regret, that the pub I was aiming for, half way around the walk, closed last year!

Nevertheless, the highpoint of the walk, the Bridestones, was worth the effort on a very hot day. As always, I admired the trig point at the summit.

The way down took me past Mount Cross, a celtic cross, said to be over 1000 years old. Then some more lovely views into the valley.

The walk ended well, with some research in the Staff of Life, a pub I first visited 20 years ago. The "Draft" from the Marble Arch brewery in Manchester was superb. It helped to ease the discomfort from the stinging nettle and bramble injuries sustained earlier.

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