What a difference a year makes

365 days, 8760 hours, 525600 minutes, 31536000 seconds...

Counting back this far in my life, I was just at the beginning of my European adventure - I'd spent a couple of days in Venice, and made the first of many train journeys, to Rome. At 10.40pm, the time I'm typing these words, I was in a restaurant in Trastevere with my family, having a grand old time. The next day, they'd head south towards Pompeii and I north to Verona.

Right now, I'm sitting in the middle of my bed, looking warily around me. Twenty minutes or so ago, I was on the verge of sleep when I felt a tickling sensation on my shoulder. I reached up and, CRUNCH - eeuuuwwww. When I found the offender a minute later, trying to hide under the radiator (where I'd flung it in disgust), it was a huge beetle - well, I think so anyway, I've taken my contact lenses out and my glasses are downstairs. Whatever it was, it's under a huge hardback book now.

But still, what if it wasn't alone????


ps beautiful morning here - I'd finished my swimming lesson and was walking back to the car to dump my bag when the sight of this red brick against the blue sky just caught my eye :-)

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