
By AlrightFlower

A fair day

Took my usual Saturday morning trip into town for fruit & veg, and it seems the fair is in town. I heard a mum telling her young daughter, who was desperate for a ride on something, that it opens tonight. I always think fairs look quite sad when they're empty...

Came home and had breakfast, then decided to wash the car. I'd parked it at the end of the drive as I was going to do the weeding first, but changed my mind. Drove it forward a few feet and, as I was getting out, I trapped my thumb in the door - aaaaarrrggggghhhhhh!! It was so painful that, for about 30 seconds, I really struggled to breathe. So now I have a lovely purple bruise under my nail (I really hope it doesn't fall off)... After I'd recovered a bit, I washed the car anyway, and did the weeding.

I also decided to tackle the patch of earth down the end of the back garden - I've left it over the early part of summer and it's been a glorious display of greenery and flowers. The recent long period of dry weather (which I think is supposed to break tonight - we're forecast "heavy rain") meant that it was just a brown mess. It's all cleared away now though, and once again I have full green bin :-)

This evening - now I've showered anyway - I feel perfectly justified in sitting on my arse doing nothing!


ps does anyone have an opinion on iPhone 4 vs iPhone 5? I've got an HTC Desire, which I like a lot, but it's dying after I put it through a wash cycle last month and I'm reaching the end of my contract anyway. An HTC One which I'd prefer but is out of my price range (as is an iPhone 5) and I can get the iPhone 4 for £20 a month...

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