
By Stace91

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

This morning when I walked into the kitchen dad told me to have a look out the window to the next door neighbours garage.
Thought it was an odd request but I walked my tired zombie body over to the window curious as to what I might find... Instant cheer up seeing this cutie on the garage roof.

The neighbours cat who I call Kitty was sitting on top of the roof basking in the sun. It seems friendly enough and sometimes sits in our driveway.

Although I want to hug him and squeeze him and pat him and pet him and rub him and caress him and call him George... I'm pretty sure it's a girl and it isn't mine :-( don't think my dog would like me very much if I brought a cat in to the house. I may not be popular with the neighbours either for catnapping.

As Kitty sat on the roof staring at dad and I who were staring back, she seemed happy enough to pose for me, looking right down into the camera.

But I still love my Buster Boy :-) he has gone to the dog groomers this morning, he likes the girls there. They give him a lot of attention :-)

More unpacking today, we are setting up my nieces room for when she comes to stay the night. Haven't seen her for a while, I miss my little munchkin! Hopefully I can see her soon.

I hope you all have a fab weekend.

Be safe and kind to one another

Stacy xoxo

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