
By Stace91


I got a onesie!! I got a onesie!! La la la la laaa!!

I love this :-) mum and my sister Katy picked it out for me yesterday and it still makes me laugh. It is a Marvel Comic one with Captain America, The Hulk and Spider-Man. I am aware I look like I'm wearing a toddlers jumpsuit but they're so comfy!! I am also going to buy a piglet one haha it has a tail and ears hehe :-P

I hope you have all had a nice weekend.
Today my grandma and my brother came over for lunch and to see the new house. Before they rocked up we were getting the house ready and preparing lunch - Maccas KFC A Sunday Roast when I heard loud music coming from down the street. It sounded really good, and I thought it was some band practicing in a garage, so inquisitive as I am I decided to go have a looksie.

At the end of our street is a Scout Hall, I figured they may have booked it for an hour to practice so I headed toward it, the music stopped and a man started to speak. I wasn't quite sure what he was saying and I also wasn't sure if I was allowed in, but I went anyway. I walked up the driveway which is next to the river, as I'm heading toward the building the music started again. Drums beating a rhythm that made me want to dance, a guitar joined in, a piano, and then the congregation began to sing their song of praise. I had stumbled upon a church service.

This wasn't the music I listened to when I went to church. Our songs were always depressing, no drums just a sad piano. I did not want to enter after I realised what it was as I did not know exactly what the religion was, and I did not want to intrude. So I stood out by the river taking photos of ducks, listening to the upbeat hallelujah's. A small child stood at the doorway and looked to be of Maori decent. I smiled at him, he looked at me frightened of the stranger but he continued to sing a song to God as he retreated back inside - kinda creeped me out watching a 3 yr old singing about God with suspicion in his eyes walking backwards into the hall.

I stayed for a little while longer taking in a new culture and style of religious practice then I to retreated back home.

We had a really nice lunch and it was nice to sit and talk to my nan and get a grandma hug :-)

Hope you all have had a relaxing Sunday.
Here is a song to wrap up the weekend an prepare everyone for the new working week.
It is in honour of my new onesie :-P with the words "I Need A Hero" written across it I just couldn't resist.... Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler

Side note: if anyone does know where the good men have gone and where the streetwise Hercules is could you send him my way :-P

Love you all

Stacy xx

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